Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons is a story about teamwork. Having a very curious setup, the story follows two brothers on a quest. With their mother dead and father being heavily ill, the only way to save is to bring water from the Tree of Life. But on their way, they will have to challenge the world and themselves. Villages, mountains and forests, bullies, trolls and wolves will await Naiee and Naia on their journey.
With having such setup, the game found a perfect way to portray this world to the audience. The beautiful visual style and something in between adventure and a platformer make the game an exciting experience. Although that is not the most curious thing about the game. With having two brothers involved in a story, the game actually gives you an opportunity to control both of them. You can solve puzzles by simultaneously moving both of the characters. For example, one of your heroes must distract an enemy, and another is supposed to go behind. This amazing feature provides you with one of the most unique experiences as you play two characters at once.
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